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Working With Religious Communities

  • Notify the places of worship in your community that May is VICTIMS OF PORNOGRAPHY AWARENESS MONTH. Propose that they set aside a Sunday in May or weekdays to commemorate this month.
  • Share all parts of the "VICTIMS OF PORNOGRAPHY AWARENESS MONTH" resource kit with the religious leaders in your community.
  • Provide information on victims of pornography, harms, scriptural references to "guarding your heart and mind" as well as "how to care for the broken, wounded or hurting;" what it means to be faithful, etc. in the weekly bulletin or church newsletter during the month of May.
    Create a one-page sheet on what one person can do. Also list harms of pornography.  It should be the size of a church bulletin insert.
  • Work with religious leaders to establish study groups or support groups within their congregations on the problems of pornography, family violence, how it affects communities, and recommendations for change.
  • Encourage religious communities to participate in or take on some of the above-mentioned events.
    Use May as a time to encourage involvement by congregations in pornography prevention by volunteering with a local effort, raising or donating money.
  • Have a key author come and do a book signing at a bookstore. Also, have him/her speak on porn victims, or the role pornography plays in victimization.
  • Contact the churches or Christian bookstores in your area. Tell them about VICTIMS OF PORNOGRAPHY AWARENESS MONTH. Ask them to focus various activities towards this issue (churches: bulletin inserts; women's evening event with special speaker; library with displayed material, etc. Bookstores: special books displayed; book signing; flier with "harms" inserted in bags; poster on store door etc..

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