W A Y S  T O  G E T  I N V O L V E D

VOP Home Page

Ways to Get Involved

Planning and 
Working With 
 The Media
Special Events
Working With 
 Religious Communities
Letter to the 
 Editor Sample



Organizational Activities

  • Have a board meeting "guest day" and/or social event in May, so your board can share their commitment, their work, and introduce their co-workers, family and friends.
  • Schedule board training in May with a special focus on VICTIMS OF PORNOGRAPHY AWARENESS MONTH and harms.
  • Conduct a membership drive.
  • Set a goal for increasing the number of volunteers associated with your organization and plan to reach it by May.
  • Offer an internship program in your office for May, either at the beginning or during the month of May.  An internship not only helps your organization, but can help a young person learn about this important issue.
  • Ensure that you are reaching out to culturally diverse populations.
  • Re-read this section.  Duplicate them and pass them around.  All other resources in the kit may be reproduced without permission with the exception of those bearing a copyright.
  • Pornography destroys marriages: Have several couples along-side of men telling their stories of how pornography is anti-relationship, and that it destroys intimacy.  Have the men tell how pornography wounds their ability to see women as people not objects. Showcase married couples who have been through it and are able to offer hope to those couples who need help.

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