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Welcome to Victims of Pornography.Org

A project of Citizens for Community Values


May is Victims of Pornography Month

Contact Vickie Burress, National Coordinator

of the Victims of Pornography Month at 513-733-5775

  Citizens for Community Values


We are encouraging you to join the growing number of organizations 

in recognizing the many victims of pornography, 

not only during the month of May, but throughout the year. 


Why? Speaking on behalf of the countless victims of pornography, 

poet Amber Smith poignantly state it this way:


A Victims Whisper

Once you've heard my story

Can you feel the pain?

Must I walk this cold, dark path?

Silenced by the shame?


Who will take a stand for me?

To say I'm not alone?

Who will take the pain I've felt,

And let the cost be known?

Author Amber Smith


Now more than ever, men, women, children, churches and communities are feeling the impact that pornography is having. The victims of pornography are real! Pornographers are profiting from someone s pain, as stated in the above poem.


Why a VOP month? For over 5 years several national and local pro-family organizations have recognized May as the "Victims of Pornography Month." VOP month was established to address this growing problem and speak with compassion and convection to do all we can as citizens to stop the victimization that pornography brings to so many. In 1997 a web page was developed to not only aid those struggling with pornography, but spread the message to America that this is a real problem. 


What is happening? Congressman Joseph Pitts along with several other elected officials, who have long been champions of VOP month, will be hosting a 2-hour summit with expert witnesses, counselors, and those affected by this issue on Capital Hill, May 19th in Washington, DC. National radio programs, organizations and interviews will be participating in this month. We encourage citizens and organizations around the nation to hold press conferences; write editorials to local papers; set up interviews on local radio and TV; encourage sermons and Sunday school lessons on this issue; and make others aware of outreaches in your community for those struggling in this area.

National call to action: Several national and local organization are calling for the US Justice Department-CEOS Divisio, local prosecutors, and law enforcement officers to do all they can to enforce excellent obscenity laws already on the books.  Call, write and e-mail Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and demand that the Department of Justice vigorously enforce the federal obscenity laws at [email protected]


Below is a partial list of those you may contact for interviews, speaking engagements and advice.


  • Scott Bergthold 423-899-3025 Expert attorney in zoning, license and regulation of sex businesses
  • Phil Burress - 513-733-5775 Former 25 year pornography addict, now combating pornography as President Citizens for Community Values (CCV)
  • Vickie Burress -  513-733-5775 Former wife of porn addict, Director of victim assistance and youth outreach
  • Tammy Dahl 352-483-1811 Former exotic dancer now helping girls who want to walk away for the strip club industry 
  • Steve and Kathy Gallagher-  859-824-4444  Former porn addict and wife, Counselors of Pure Life Ministries (a live in facility for sexual addicts)
  • Rob Jackson  719-593-8382 Counselor of young pornography addicts
  • Bill Johnson - 231-924-4050 Effectively targets offensive TV and radio advertisers
  • Jan LaRue 202-488-7000 Expert attorney on pornography issue with Concerned Women for America
  • Gene McConnell -  513-702-8020  Former porn addict works with teens  - President Authentic Relationships International
  • Bob Peters 212-870-3222  Attorney and former porn addict and President of Morality in Media
  • Dr. Jeffery Satinover 203-454-3200 Psychiatrist, lecturer and author of The Quantum Brain. Testifies to brain activity in pornography users and its affects.
  • Jack Samad  - 513-521-6227 Works with churches educating about the harm of pornography
  • Buddy Smith 662-844-5036 Working with corporations that invest in the distribution of indecency on TV and in local communities as Vice President of American Family Association
  • Daniel Weiss -  719-548-5998  Pornography analyst with Focus on the Family
  • Pat Trueman 202-624-3011 Former Chief of Child Exploitation Obscenity Section US Justice Department
  • County Attorney Justin Verst 859-491-5843 Northern Kentucky prosecutor who has been instrumental in enforcing obscenity laws in his county, where now no hard-core pornography is pandered. 



Recognizing that pornography is affecting our families and friends...
is the key to changing lives.


Who are the Victims Of Pornography?

  • Boys and girls that have lost their innocence by viewing pornography at an early age.

  • Wives of men preoccupied with pornography and the sex industry.

  • Women who are being treated with disrespect and sexually abused.

  • Young women trapped in an industry that exploits them and uses them as mere sex objects.

  • Children used for the sexual satisfaction of fathers, stepfathers, and men they trusted.

  • Young men exposed to a false image of sexuality.

  • Men who just can't stop using pornography or stimulating themselves while recalling those images.

  • A society that has become desensitized and dependent upon sex-charged images.

  • Neighbors that have increased crime and decreased property values because of the proliferation of pornography in their communities.

These people have real faces!





If you are a victim of pornography. . .there is hope!


Where can you turn?


 There are many resources available. Click below...

Victims of Pornography - Helpful Links






Tell us your story.  Everyone's story with regard to pornography is a little different. If you've been or are a victim of pornography and you have a story to tell, we'd love to hear from you. Many counselors claim that it is very therapeutic.  There is no need to include your name, unless you want to be contacted. It just might be that your story may help someone else who is a victim of pornography. Write us at [email protected]







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